Rebuilding the Wall of Hope

In this message, Pastor Darcy Ward shares the story of Nehemiah’s burden to rebuild the wall in Jerusalem, highlighting how he prayed and fasted, took action, and ultimately experienced a mighty work of God through obedience and faith.

Have you ever felt an overwhelming need to help fix a situation, but you felt inadequate to do so? Or the need to help someone that you know is in a difficult situation, but you aren’t sure the right thing to do or say?

For followers of Jesus Christ, this need to help others while recognizing that we can’t do it without God’s help is called a burden.

Nehemiah, one of the great leaders in the Bible, is overwhelmed by the burden to restore and protect God’s people through rebuilding the wall and gates around Jerusalem. Nehemiah is a great example of how God puts a burden on our hearts and how God will provide and guide us to ultimate victory.

What walls do you need to rebuild? Will you follow Nehemiah’s example through prayer, fasting, and relying on God’s plans and provisions to rebuild it?