Raising Parents Part I

One Anointed Conversation Away from a Breakthrough
Many parents today feel that they are not doing a good job raising their children. It can be easy to start doubting our own abilities as parents. Have we done enough? Have we bought them everything they need, or worse, everything they want? What if I make mistakes? What if I am not good enough?
Every Christian parent needs instruction and redemption. How do we know what makes a good parent? Are we listening to what the world says is a good parent? How do we parent when we feel like hypocrites because of our past mistakes? If we are not careful, we run the risk of parenting in a way that is contrary to God’s direction for raising our children. God can and will redeem our mistakes and our flaws. The Holy Spirit can guide our words and decisions as parents now, regardless of our past.
Our children are under attack. We shouldn’t be surprised that Satan wants to target our children through our own insecurities and failures as parents. If the devil can get inside our heads and distract us from raising our children in Godly homes with a love for Jesus, why wouldn’t that be Satan’s greatest priority?
Our silence as parents gives the enemy permission to mess with the lives of our children. Today’s technology creates a gateway where many voices are in the room, influencing our children, vying for their attention, and seeking to influence their behavior. The world wants to control our children for money, power, and control, not for their best interest and certainly not for God’s plans.
More than ever, the world is trying to cancel the influence of parents over children, even going as far as to legislate restrictions of parents. However, our words of prophecy over the lives of our children can strengthen them against these attacks. That is why it is so important that our voices as parents are the most constant and present voices our children hear. If we fail to speak to our kids, then the world will seek to win them away from God, leading them down a path of fear, confusion, and destruction.

The world wants us to think that we can’t raise our children without buying them all the popular and trendy products. And the world wants you to think that God is not the only way to live a life full of joy and purpose. Why serve God when you can serve yourself? These lies are leading to extremely unhappy, confused, anxious, violent, and lost children. We must accept God’s Truth, not the self-serving truths that make us feel good or feel important in the eyes of others. Our children must hear from us that God’s way is the one true way to find joy and purpose while on this earth and to find eternity in heaven.
We must speak up and speak to our children. God has planted good in every child. We as parents are called to nurture and prophesy over our children that the good can thrive in their lives with Jesus. We can tell our children that  God has put something good in them!  They are loved by God, and He has a purpose for their lives in His will, bringing His kingdom to the world through us in faith.

Learning to communicate better to the next generation in a way that they understand, using an anointed, careful tone, allows them to hear what we are saying. By reflecting Jesus in our words, we provide hope for a brighter future by serving God and building his kingdom.

Ephesians 4:29, “Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” Let it all be anointed. Not only say the right things, but say them the right way with love and encouragement. We are only one anointed conversation away from bringing our family back into our lives, one anointed conversation away from bringing a child back onto the right path.
First, we should speak to God privately to help us guide our conversations. Before we speak to our children about God, first go to God and speak to Him about our children. Ask God for the prophecy He wants us to speak over our kids.

Hell has a plan to destroy our kids and attack the next generation. We intercede by getting between the enemy and those we love. Our children need our prayers. They need to hear our words being prayed over them; hear that they are chosen and loved by God Almighty. Through prayer and reading the Bible, we prepare to speak over our children: speak life, clarity, identity, and hope, raising them up to serve God.  By doing this, we give our children the power and the ability to overcome the world like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
You won’t want to miss Pastor Matt Ward’s message on Raising Parents, part 1.