Help When The Burden Is Too Much

Help When The Burden Is Too Much.
Everything is going against me!  Nothing is going right!  I can’t seem to win.
Have you ever found yourself saying these things when facing a circumstance that is overwhelming?  When we say these things, it’s a sign that we have been carrying a burden too long under our own strength, that we have fallen into a negative mindset, not seeing any comfort or peace in our situation.
Researchers found that out of what people worry about: 40% never happens, 30% is in the past and can’t be helped, 12% involves others and is none of our business, 10% of real or perceived sickness, leaving only 8% of what we worry about even likely to happen. We must shake free from this mindset of worry and fear.
How do we break away from a negative mindset, staying positive and hopeful when our fear is in control?
First, we must stay connected to the Holy Spirit through prayer. When we fail to pray regularly, we become unable to appropriately diagnose situations for what they really are: opportunities to obey God’s call and see miracles. When we aren’t praying, we are focusing on our Earthly ability to handle situations, which God never intended us to do. God’s desire is to work in our lives, working all things for our good.
Second, we must read the Bible and speak of the promises that God has for His believers. Why are we so willing to believe the negative report from the world over God’s good report from heaven? In Isaiah 41:10, God reassures Israel: “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand” (NLT).
Trusting God’s Word and promises goes far beyond simply being positive. Don’t let the enemy inflate issues with lies, tempting us to forget about God’s presence in all things. When we pray regularly and trust in God’s Word, we learn to bear all things with joy, peace, patience, long suffering, and victory. We claim the miracles of God’s promises and will see Him work in our lives.
Don’t let the enemy steal one day of your life.  Break free of fear and live your life full of the purposes and plans God has for you.