Can You Live Free of Sin

Even though many famous movies and stories glorify rebellion, these stories are often examples of a malevolent ruler oppressing a people, and the rebellious people seek to overthrow the ruler in hopes of freedom and happiness. In these stories, rebellion is a good thing and is glorified because the “good” is seeking to overcome the control of evil.
With God, however, we see this relationship in reverse. God is good. He loves us and wants what is best for our lives; after all, he created us to have a relationship with Him, to have a purpose on this Earth, and to live for eternity with Him in heaven. Therefore, when we rebel against God, we are committing sin, choosing our own selfish desires over what is best for us. What begins in rebellion ends in bondage of sin.

All sin begins with rebellion in either our heads or in our hearts. Jesus said that whoever hates his neighbor has committed murder. What starts as rebellious thoughts or feelings in our minds and hearts builds until it can’t be contained, overflowing into our actions. Even though you may see sinful behavior in yourself or others, the rebellion started well before the behavior did; it started in the mind and in the heart through a harbored rebellious attitude or thought. But don’t be fooled; any rebellion against God’s word or guidance of the Holy Spirit will lead you to bondage through sin.

So how do we keep rebellion from our hearts and minds? Instead of trying to avoid rebellious thoughts, invite the Holy Spirit into your mind and heart, taking up all the room where rebellion wants to take hold. If we are full of light, darkness has no place to exist.

Where are you harboring rebellion against God’s Word? Find it, give it to Him, and ask Him to replace your rebellious thoughts with goodness, kindness, and love. Consistently read the Bible and pray. Be full of good things and good thoughts, and give your burden to Jesus. Jesus wants to dwell in your heart and mind, you must only invite Him in. Jesus will replace your rebellious attitude and thoughts if you allow Him too. You can live free of sin by living in the goodness of the Holy Spirit. You don’t have to wait. You can start right now. Invite Jesus in.