Are You Free

By: Justin Ladd

Have you found yourself trying to impress others with your achievements?  Are you criticizing others for behaviors that you are also doing? Are you trying to escape from your responsibilities and sadness by using alcohol or drugs, only to wake up the next day feeling the same emptiness and sadness inside.  When sin is an active part of our daily lives, we become slaves to its chains of sorrow, addiction, self-pity, bitterness, and many other negative side-effects.

In today’s world, a slavery exists that is far more pervasive than any slavery that has existed before - the slavery that comes from living in sin. Jesus makes it very clear in John 8:31-38, that the truth is the only thing that can set you free.  What is that truth?  The truth that if you sin, you are a slave to sin. Jesus wants to set you free and bring you into the family of God.  

Starting with accountability, humbly acknowledging our ownership of sin, allows us to bring our sins before God and seek His help. God’s grace  then sets us free through the acceptance of Christ’s love and forgiveness.  Beware of labels and excuses that prevent accountability. When we label ourselves as victims, we keep ourselves from the responsibility of our sin.  When we say things like that is just the way I am or I have always had this issue, so I guess that’s just who I am, we are avoiding responsibility, preventing our ability to receive God’s grace. God’s grace is greater than our labels and removes the chains of our bondage. God didn’t save you, so you can keep your labels. He saved you to remove your labels, allowing you to live in freedom and glory, claiming victory in Christ by being born again.    

Freedom is acceptance of Christ’s love and forgiveness, and living right through the Holy Spirit. God wants you to be a temple for His Holy Spirit to dwell in you. By inviting the Holy Spirit in, we can live in true freedom. Since the beginning of creation, our rebellion against God has caused all of our issues. Sin wants to bind you in chains, keeping you from true freedom.